Saturday, August 26, 2006

First Missing Tooth

Just days before her sixth birthday, Parker lost her first tooth. She was so excited. The tooth has been loose for just a few days. Little "Miss Impatient" has not been able to leave the poor tooth alone. Today she worked it so much that I was finally able to pull it. Yes, me...not her father, the weakling. You know how he faints at the sight of blood. Her eyes grew big when I finally got my humongous fingers on it and started to pull it out. She has been smiling ever since.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey guys...parker i'm so excited about your newly missing tooth. can i just say you guys are hard to get ahold of when i've been MIA for the whole summer. i hope all is well and i'm super excited for you guys. anna beth and parker...things just don't seem the same for me because school has started and i don't have any little friends to pick up!!! i miss you anna