Sunday, March 23, 2008

I've been tagged

Thanks Mimi!

Ok, let's give this a time...

Ten years ago...I was teaching at Pasadena High School with an infant at home with her daddy! I was coaching softball and ironically we were serving with BJ Rutledge, which is were we are at again! Too funny.

My to-do list today:
1. Work the Easter services at Grace Fellowship.
2. Watch my netflix movies.
3. Get the laundry finished before school tomorrow.

What I would do if I suddenly became a billionaire...
1. Pay off our debt.
2. Build new facilities for Grace Fellowship.
3. Get Rocky a new truck with unlimited gasoline...the 1996 Civic still lives.

Three bad habits...
1. Eating no fruits or vegetables.
2. Putting off housework til the last minute.
3. Eating lots of candy!!!

Five jobs I've had...
1. Receptionist at a medical clinic
2. Summer hand at a papermill
3. Receptionist at a travel agent
4. Principal's secretary
5. School teacher

Five things people don't know about me...
1. I hate the smell of bananas.
2. I don't eat fruits or vegetables because I don't like how it feels in my mouth.
3. I love to read but had to take remedial reading course in college due to low scores.
4. I played two seasons of NCAA softball with no errors.
5. I was a middle school cheerleader...go FIGURE!!!

Ok, I tag Sherry McCrary, Raquel Skidmore, and Jeannine Powers.


sherry mac said...

OK..........what do i do???

sherry mac said...

tag --- you're IT........ :)
HOpe you had a great week, we had an incredible, fun packed two days in NAC.........