Monday, August 06, 2007

Sunday Fun

Sunday was a great time for fun in the sun! After church we ventured to the Rutledge's house for burgers and swimming. There were several families there. We had a great time. Chris and Debbie taught our girls to dive off the diving board. Parker and Anna Beth both learned to do a cannonball...alot of swimming firsts for the girls. They had a great time and we had a great time watching them.

After everyone left, we hung around to play cards. However, we ended up playing dominos...after we made our Dairy Queen run! You know "everybody likes parfaits." Chris was the winner of mexican dominos and BJ was the "green weinie." The boys kept us laughing the entire game.

1 comment:

a likens said...

Check out my blog... Tag... You are it along with 8 other people. I know you have some stuff you can list...
Love you. I really do.