Sunday, January 15, 2006

East Texas High School Rodeo Association Competition

Today was a fun day for the Johnsons'. We went to church this morning and to a high school rodeo competition this afternoon. One of our students, Owen Gayler, competed today in team roping. Our children loved it...Parker especially. She found a friend, a black lab, and could not take her hands off of him. The team roping was not a success today for Owen and Travis but all in all it was a good day.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Our Family

Here's a picture of us around our Christmas tree. We enjoyed our time in Louisiana visiting family. It was nice to be home for a few days and nice to return to our home before school started again. This is a especially when I enjoy being a teacher when I can be at home when the girls are at home.

Anna Beth is eight years old and will be nine years old this summer. She is growing and changing daily. Parker is five years old and will be six years old at the end of August. She also starts Kindergarten this fall. I am nervous about that adventure. The girls are such a joy to our lives. We are so blessed to have such wonderful children.

Rocky just celebrated four years at First Baptist Church as the youth/recreation minister. I am in my first year of teaching in Nacogdoches at Mike Moses Middle School. It was hard to go back to work after being home for five years. I still come home and collapse after a long day.